Our training sessions


The extent to which an organization is successful largely depends  on the level of awareness of the employees. Organizations under the leadership of conscious leaders are among the most successful companies worldwide, because these leaders are constantly working to raise their own awareness.
The more people are aware of their motivations, values, thoughts and behaviour patterns and the effect these have on relationships and results, the more they can consciously opt for more effective forms of communication and collaboration.

Awareness is a great catalyst for transformation.

Transformation into successful and healthy organizations.

Conscious leaders regularly observe themselves and wonder if they are acting from a defence mechanism or from a desire to grow together.   Leaders become” responsive” rather than” re-active”,  even when being under pressure.

By listening profoundly and remaining open to the perspectives and ideas of others, they create a safe space for continuous learning. They have access to collective intelligence and achieve their goals from co-creation, which leads to internal cohesion and a stronger emotional bond between employees and with the organization.

Support your colleagues in their transformation by offering them ground-breaking training programs such as: Open dialogue, Fostering Trust, Hidden motivators disclosed, Team dynamics, Heart-centred Leadership, Lego Serious Play, ...

As trainers, we are all ICF certified coaches and trained to coach up to the level of triple-loop. This means that during the training we not only work on developing more effective behaviour & skills, but also on values, beliefs and identity, which increases the chance of permanent change.

In addition, we are all skilled in working with personality profiles such as Insights Discovery and Enneagram, which enables us to easily connect with all employees. Each of us has a very broad educational background, allowing us to introduce concepts and models during a training that were not initially provided for in that programme, but which prove to be very relevant to the employees at that specific time.

Based on our strong business experience, we succeed in translating concepts into the environment of the employee, which makes their immediate applicability quickly apparent.  

We are all accredited as Insights Practitioners, Master of Practitioner NLP, and are all recognized by the International Coaching Federation as experts in our field with the label PCC or MCC. If you would like to know more about us, please read our individual curricula under 'about us'.

Discover what we can do for you!