Challenges of the 21st century
The future of our companies is strongly linked to what is happening in the rest of the world. There are many economic, ecological, political and social challenges that are coming our way. These challenges we are confronted with as organizations do not make it easier to work if we stick to the old way of working. Yet we have an incredible amount of potential to turn these challenges into opportunities and make a better world together. By not allowing ourselves to be held back by what is scientifically and technologically possible today, by letting our intuition and imagination run free, and by working together in an inspired way across disciplines with equality, something new is created. This is something incredibly powerful that none of those involved have control over and sometimes turns entire sectors upside down.
From I-Q to E-Q to WE-Q
In recent years, the importance of emotional intelligence alongside intellectual intelligence has been recognized. However, if we want to prepare our organizations for the future, we must continue the shift from E-Q to WE-Q. This requires a new way of leadership, where employees take inspirational, shared responsibility to achieve the desired shift. Coaching and training are good catalysts to make this transformation possible utilizing a higher awareness. However, relying on individual or team coaching will not suffice. The challenge is how the different parts relate to one another. Thus, we have to work across borders and do inter-team coaching both horizontally and vertically. And to maintain commitment, we must align the design of the organization (strategy, structures, processes, positions) with the desired shift.

Which organizational issues are you concerned about? What shift do you think is necessary for your organization to be ready for the challenges of the future? Do the strategy, the structure, the processes and the culture reinforce each other or do they oppose each other? Is management taking visible steps in the shift from I-Q to WE-Q? Are the employees sufficiently inspired and committed to adapt to the change? Do you have a clear picture of what you want to be as an organization?
Coaching The Shift can facilitate coordination between strategy, structure, processes and culture. By means of training and coaching, we break through the boundaries of the subsystems and let them work together better. In this way, the entire organization’s potential is addressed and an evolution towards a 'thriving' organization is created.