the Shift


We believe that the true strength of organizations lies in people and how they interact with each other. Their willingness to step out of their comfort zones and harness their full potential makes organizations strong. Amidst our busy lives, coaching provides the space to slow down and gain greater clarity and self-awareness. The coach facilitates deep conversations where new ways of thinking, acting, and being are explored. With a deeper understanding and focused attention, individuals choose new options and put them into practice.

"The Shift"

Worldwide, a paradigm shift is emerging from an 'I'-focused to a 'We'-focused society. This results from a collective inner leap in consciousness experienced by all people. A 'We'-focused society thrives on healthy partnerships and relationships built on mutual respect, trust, and equality, where individuals consciously choose integrity and empowering (self-)leadership. We are shifting away from an era of entrenched hierarchies, authoritarian leaders, and compliant followers, towards conscious, responsible, and autonomous employees and leaders.



Coaching The Shift is your strategic partner that guides you in the shift towards a thriving company culture. Our coaching and training services assist you in transforming old patterns and discovering a new way of more conscious thinking, acting, and 'being present' in the workplace.



We envision a new world where people are conscious of how everything and everyone is interconnected. In this world, our children fulfill their own missions in freedom and joy, connected to each other and the world in a healthy manner. Inspired and healthy businesses are a key audience with whom we aim to co-create this new world.



The five core values that brought us together and define us are: 'Connection', 'Wonder', 'Simplicity', 'Courage', and 'Healthy Ambition'. They represent everything we hold dear and form the foundation of our organizational culture. These values guide all employees and daily direct us in making important decisions. They are the soul of our tribe.


As increasingly supported by scientific research, the key to real transformation lies in the quality of 'being'. This means that the more both the coach and coachee are present with body and mind, connected to themselves and each other, the greater the chance that new layers of consciousness will be unlocked. This process releases new information that allows the coachee to work from a place of full awareness.
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