Heidi De Roo

Heidi De Roo



Valeer Van Kerkhovelaan 1

9990 Maldem.


Mobile phone number
+32 478 77 10 30



Heidi as an Individual Coach

Heidi starts from the strengths of the coachee to work towards goals. As a sounding board, she is very empathetic and understanding, quickly creating trust and openness. At the same time, she dares to mirror and confront with respect, aiming for the coachee to gain insights into their own functioning and patterns. From there, they can have an impact on their situation and make choices that lead to better relationships and more desired outcomes.

Heidi as a Team Coach

As a team coach, Heidi enjoys the dynamics of a group. With her background and experience, she has a deep passion for the non-profit and healthcare sectors. She isn't afraid to employ creative methods to mobilize and engage teams in reflection. She is a driven motivator who believes in the power of connection between people and encourages communicative bonds. Her motivation stems from the positive synergy that arises when individual team members, respecting each other's diversity, achieve a common goal or optimize their operations.

Heidi as a Trainer

Heidi is an enthusiastic, dynamic, and goal-oriented trainer. As a pedagogue with a background as a project manager, leader, and HR professional within the non-profit and healthcare sectors, she excels at motivating people and getting them moving. Her approachable style allows her to quickly connect with participants, encouraging them to reflect and step into the stretch zone and experiment within a safe environment. She challenges participants to translate insights into concrete actions and take small steps towards their goals.

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