Team Coaching
Teamwork optimization
To be successful, organizations must constantly adapt to the ever-changing environment. Creativity and the problem-solving capacity of (cross-)functional teams are desperately needed to be able to continue to innovate.
During the team coaching route, the focus is on optimizing the interaction within the team. Team members discover how they unconsciously and unintentionally are clinging to the current reality and what it takes to create the desired shift.
Break the circle
During the team coaching route, openness and trust arise, the non-negotiable becomes negotiable. There will be no more ’meetings upon meetings’ because everyone says what he thinks and feels when it really matters. Team members will support the decisions made. As awareness increases, team members hold each other accountable for sustaining unproductive patterns and continuously adjust their mutual cooperation.
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Team Coachingpath
Frequently asked questions:
- How can we build trust within a (new) team?
- How can we create more clarity in our vision, mission, values, identity, roles and responsibilities?
- How can we align and optimize our processes?
- How can we obtain more engagement in decision making and optimize our decision-making process?
- How can we express ourselves with one voice and create support for change?
- How can we conduct an open dialogue and constructively resolve our conflicts?
- How can we improve the image of our team inside and outside the organization?
- How can we make even more use of the diversity and talents within our team?
- How can we work better together cross-functionally?
- How can we anticipate changes in the macro environment (politics, society, economy, ...)?

Approach in Team Coaching
Since every team functions in a unique business context, every coaching trajectory is customized. Based on intake interviews with HR and the team members, we get a clear picture of the current reality and the desired shift. The team coach proposes his approach based on this. After each coaching session, an analysis is made and the coach together with HR decide which subsequent interventions would be useful.
The interventions vary depending on the team’s needs. Some examples: Scanning of team effectiveness and maturity, mission-vision-values-identity exercise - trust exercise - discovering personalities - appreciative inquiry - naming the sacred cows - conflict management styles - the struggle for power - value creation exercise at process level - stakeholder mapping, …

Our coaches are all trained up to the level of triple-loop coaching. This means that they can coach on the level of behaviour & skills, values & beliefs, as well as on the level of identity & mission. They are also qualified to work with personality profiles, such as Insights Discovery and Enneagram. Other measuring instruments may also be used during the coaching. Examples are: Thomas/Kilman conflict styles, Lencioni questionnaires, NLP Meta-profile analysis, 360° questionnaire, Assertiveness test, Situational Leadership, Ofman Core Quadrants, Stress and Burn-out questions, etc.
Our coaches are all accredited as Insights Practitioners, Master of Practitioner NLP, and are all recognized by the International Coaching Federation as experts in their field with the label PCC or MCC. If you want to know more, check the coaches’ individual curricula.