Christine Esteingeldoir

Christine Esteingeldoir


  • Tiensesteenweg 234
  • 3001 Heverlee
  • +32 473 60 18 11

Christine as an Individual Coach

As a Professional Certified Coach, Christine has over 1000 hours of coaching experience and a broad perspective across various sectors and companies. Thanks to her experience in the field, she acts as a sounding board and can provide a challenging mirror. Establishing a good balance between creating trust and offering sufficient confrontation enables the coachee to gain insights into their own performance, become motivated to consider alternative options, and consequently adjust their impact on situations, leading to better relationships and more desired results.


Christine as a Team Coach

As a team coach, Christine facilitates connections between people. She creates a safe environment where team-relevant topics can be openly discussed. The essence of team coaching is to make the unspoken discussable. What occurs during team coaching often mirrors daily interactions among team members. Christine identifies what she observes, encourages mutual understanding among team members, and intervenes to facilitate new ways of communicating and interacting, thereby positively influencing the team's outcomes.

Being bilingual, Christine effortlessly facilitates bilingual teams and seamlessly switches between both languages within a group.

Christine as a Trainer

As a professional trainer, Christine has over 5000 hours of experience. She demonstrates strong didactic skills, evident in her development, facilitation, and agile approach in the moment. By aligning with both the training objectives and individual participants, she effortlessly draws upon examples and stories from the group to enhance impact and strengthen learning motivation. Her non-judgmental and approachable style, combined with anecdotes from her own experiences, encourages participants to embrace making mistakes, to experiment, and to reflect on themselves. Through concrete actions and small steps, participants are motivated to effectively apply what they have learned in practice.


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