Lego Serious Play

Lego Serious Play stimulates the brain of every employee. By 'thinking with your hands' and making your ideas tangible, you gain surprising insights. During a day of Lego Serious Play, you fully utilize the ideas, knowledge, and experience of your employees.  


Lego Serious Play

= is an innovative method to find answers in a creative and highly interactive way to the questions your organization faces. It was developed by LEGO in collaboration with the IMD Business School in Lausanne and is based on recent knowledge of systems thinking, neuroscience, strategy, and game development.

During "Lego Serious Play"

You spend the entire day, from early morning to late evening, with your hands in the Lego bricks. Using your intuition, you build answers to very specific questions. After building, each participant shares their story, giving meaning to the 3D construction. By 'thinking with your hands' and making your ideas tangible, you gain surprising insights.

Characteristics of Lego Serious Play
A Lego Serious Play construction

 Underlying principles

  • - Leaders do not have all the answers.
  • - People naturally want to contribute.
  • - Much knowledge and skills remain untapped.
  • - Describing a construction facilitates naming.
  • - Play leads to a creative flow.
  • - Constructions lead to deeper understanding.
  • - Stories and metaphors are memorable.
"Our team is not only multidisciplinary but also international, which often requires us to search for a common language. Discussing values and norms within the company is therefore a real challenge. However, introduce a box of LEGO bricks, and engineers become nostalgic, ideas are generated, hierarchy is set aside, creative solutions are collaboratively conceived and built. Nothing but positive feedback after a day of 'work hard, play hard.'"
Marijke Hillewaere - HR Director - Windvision

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