
Thanks to obtaining the Qfor label, we have gained access to various subsidy systems and benefits, such as our SME e-wallet recognition and our Foodscan Certificate.

Qfor is a quality method specifically tailored to all forms of training, consulting, and other knowledge-based services. The method is the result of a European Leonardo da Vinci project and is implemented in Belgium under the supervision of the non-profit organization, Comité van Toezicht, which includes representatives from organizations like Flemish Training Leave and Groupe Epsilon. For more information, please visit www.qfor.org.

Qfor certifcaat behaald door Coaching The Shift

During the audits, the following aspects were evaluated:

  • Our customer satisfaction, internal operations, and quality policy.
    • Project management: including our project administration, information & communication practices, project management systems, evaluation & follow-up of client files.
    • Human resources: how we train our new staff, evaluate our competencies, and stay updated with industry trends.
    • Physical resources: the status of the resources and infrastructure we utilize during and for our services.
    • Quality management: how we ensure quality standards, and the level of employee engagement in maintaining these standards.


  • Our service and alignment with our clients' business needs
    • Evaluation process of each training, coaching session,... 
    • Integration of 'lessons learned' into our trainings, coaching sessions, processes,...

Creating value for our clients is at the heart of what we do. We thank our clients for their appreciative and valuable feedback, which enables our organization to continue growing.

Qfor certifcaat behaald door Coaching The Shift

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