Shift & Grow Community

A community for (and by) professional coaches

Connect with like-minded coaches, cultivate a broader range of coaching techniques, exchange tips, and share insights on real-world cases!

Several times a year, we open our doors to a select number of new members. We ensure a dynamic mix of coaches with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and expertise. Soon, we will open our doors for the last time in 2024. Would you like to be part of it? Submit your application now to join the waiting list using the button below!

Sign up now for the waiting list for Shift & Grow!

Shift & Connect

Accelerate your personal and professional growth with advanced coaching training and a network of like-minded individuals. Share your insights and build valuable relationships with other coaches.

Explore the program!


Explore the latest trends, developments, and tips from top coaches in Belgium. Attend interviews with renowned coaches, authors, and innovators, and get the chance to ask your most pressing questions!

Who is on the agenda?


Share your journey of discovery and development with the group and celebrate milestones on the path to success! Find your 'Accountability Buddy' and get the chance to share unique insights with thousands of people!

Discover all the benefits!

Join now and gain access to an exclusive community!

Would you like to join the Shift & Grow community in 2024? You can! Several times a year, we open our doors to a select number of new members, at a discounted rate! Sign up for the waiting list now and get the opportunity to join the next group!

Join our community in the next group!
Shift & Connect

Shift & Connect

Connect with like-minded coaches to accelerate your growth!

Connect with coaches walking the same path as you! Group learning provides a wide range of opportunities to learn from, inspire, and motivate each other.

  • 4 training days on advanced coaching techniques:
    • Reconnection, transactional analysis, family constellations, working with parts, spirituality, trauma healing, timeline work,... 
  • Each training day concludes with a networking event including refreshments.
  • Build valuable relationships and share your challenges and milestones as a group

Group learning fosters accountability, offers external perspectives when you're stuck, and much more!

Discover the program! Attend an introductory session.


Explore the latest trends, tips, and tricks from top coaches in Belgium!

"To be great, study the greats." During our interviews with leading coaches in Belgium, we ask the questions that accelerate your growth!

  • What are their keys to success?
  • What innovations do they see in the world and in coaching?
  • What techniques, methods, tips do they apply?
  • How do they position themselves in the market?
  • Each interview concludes with a Q&A where you can ask unlimited questions!

Ever wondered how top coaches have reached their level of success? Just ask them yourself! Whether it's about coaching techniques, positioning yourself in the market, or personal development.

Discover the speakers! Come to the next introductory session!
Shift & Discover
Shift & Shine


Share your journey of discovery and gain valuable insights!

Coaching is a wonderful journey of discovery, but you don't have to do it alone! As a member of the Shift & Grow community, you have the opportunity to share your lessons, insights, and milestones!

  • Every month, we feature a coach in our newsletter
  • A section in our newsletter where we celebrate members' successes and milestones
  • Interviews with alumni for the community and beyond
  • Promote your practice to thousands of people

Did you know that celebrating small successes leads to more motivation and happiness? Sometimes, we are so focused on the end destination that we forget to enjoy the journey.

Discover all the benefits! Attend a free introductory session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I learn more about Shift & Grow?

If you have questions about the program content or practical details, you can discover more about Shift & Grow during our information sessions. If there are no information sessions currently scheduled, join the waiting list! You'll be the first to receive an invitation when we open our doors again. For personal inquiries, feel free to contact us at

Why become a member of the Shift & Grow community?

Coaching is a fantastic journey of discovery, both professionally and personally. By walking your path alongside like-minded individuals, you gain external perspectives that accelerate your growth. Share insights, obstacles, and milestones to boost your success!

Who is the Shift & Grow community for?

It's for professional coaches who want to grow, whether they work in companies or independently. Our community was originally developed for alumni of our Professional Coach Program and Masterclass Team Coaching, with or without recognition by ICF. If you have been recognized by another institution, please contact us! We review each request individually.

What do you gain from it?

We're building a community of coaches who support each other by exchanging (in)formal insights. As a member of the Shift & Grow community, you get exclusive access to 4 training days and a range of additional benefits. Attend interviews with top Belgian coaches and showcase yourself and your achievements to thousands!

I'm on the waiting list, what now?

If you're already on the waiting list, you'll receive more information about the program and information sessions via email. Would you like to know more now? Contact us at or sign up directly!

How do I sign up?

The 2024 annual program has already started. However, don't worry! Throughout the year, we have several entry points where we welcome new coaches, often at a discounted rate! Join the waiting list now and join the next group!

For whom is this community?

The Shift & Grow community is specifically designed for professional coaches who are committed to continuous development.

We prioritize alumni of our training programs but welcome coaches from diverse backgrounds:

  • Do you want to continue developing your coaching skills?
  • Do you wish to connect with other professional coaches?
  • Do you believe in the power of collective learning?
  • Have you previously trained with Coaching The Shift?
  • Are you an alumni of the 'Professional Coach Training Program'?
  • Are you an alumni of the 'Masterclass Team Coaching'?
  • Are you active as an independent coach or in a company?

If you do not fit into any of these categories but are motivated to learn in a group, please get in touch!

Submit your request here!

Join now and gain access to an exclusive community!

Would you like to join the Shift & Grow community in 2024? You can! Several times a year, we open our doors to a select number of new members, at a discounted rate! Sign up for the waiting list now and get the opportunity to join the next group!

Join our community in the next group!

Would you like to know more? Please get in touch!

Discover what we can do for you!