Coach in the spotlight: Dancing in the rain with Eva Declercq


Coaching The Shift has been guiding people, teams, and organizations towards a strategic shift with more reflection, communication, and collaboration for 8 years. We do this together with a team of top coaches! This week, we introduce you to Eva!

Eva is a goal-oriented and motivating coach who knows how to engage people in her story. With her experience as an HR leader, she quickly understands different dynamics and knows how to smoothly align personal and professional ambitions.

With non-judgmental openness and a touch of humor, Eva is exceptional at motivating people. By responding to the moment and leading by example, Eva encourages her coachees to step out of their comfort zones.

Through connection and a safe framework, Eva helps to think through new insights and eventually apply them concretely.

Curious about Eva’s story? Discover more:

  1. How did you get into the world of coaching?
  2. What would you like to contribute to the world as a coach?
  3. What is your mission and motivation as a coach?
  4. What misconception about coaching would you like to dispel?
  5. What pitfalls do you often see recurring in coachees?
  6. What tip would you give to beginner coaches?
  7. What would you do differently if you could start over as a coach today?
  8. Which coaching book do you recommend?
  9. What do you find an inspiring quote?
  10. What values and aspirations do you carry into 2024?

How did you get into the world of coaching?

My background is in recruitment and selection, where I already have more than 17 years of experience. For the last 5 years, I have been active in this sector as a leader. That’s where I first came into contact with coaching.

It started with the basic principles of coaching. Not enough to apply it effectively yet, but sufficient to get a taste of it.

Additionally, in my job, I increasingly encountered people who were falling ill due to burnout. This motivated me to delve deeper into it. On one hand, in better handling stress and burnout, and on the other, in the area of coaching.

By doing this, I discovered and saw the added value of coaching myself. And from there, I delved even deeper and eventually made the shift!

What would you like to contribute to the world as a coach?

It might sound cliché, but helping people grow. It’s important to me to continue helping people with awareness. I want more people to realise their own impact and strength, and how we can (re)learn to listen to our bodies.

Coaching helps to make yourself stronger. To put on a different mindset, so you can achieve your goals better. Or sometimes to see through things when it’s tough: What is your part in this?

What is your mission and motivation as a coach?

I believe in lifelong learning. And coaching can contribute immensely to that!

Coaching fosters reflection and new (self-)insights. Not everyone is ready for it, but small steps are also okay. As an individual, you have a lot of potential, which can be fully realised with the right guidance.

What misconception about coaching would you like to dispel?

There is still a taboo around the word coach. But often that stems from ignorance. People often don’t know what coaching entails and what you can achieve with it. They ascribe the meaning of “airy-fairy” or “spiritual” to it, while it’s actually goal-oriented.

It is my ambition to break this taboo. I always enjoy it when people dare to voice their prejudices. It takes quite a bit of courage to say that to me as a coach. I first delve into it out of curiosity. Why do you think that? Where does that come from?

Eventually, I ask for the chance to explain what I do and what it means. And that also provides the opportunity to dispel that bit of ignorance.

What pitfalls do you often see recurring in coachees?

What still remains a common thread for me is the speed at which people think they need to be active.

When you ask people “how are you?” you often get the answer “busy, busy, busy.” People think that’s normal. But is it really?

People are constantly busy every day. They are working, doing household chores, visiting family, taking the kids to their hobbies... They are so caught up in a routine that they no longer reflect on what they are doing or why they are doing it.

It is so important to slow down occasionally. Sometimes pressing the pause button very briefly and reflecting: how am I doing? Acknowledge what has already happened and what still needs to be done.

So truly slowing down to then speed up again. Or, to reconnect!

And I certainly don’t want to point fingers. I fully recognise the challenge! When I started as a coach, I really had to teach myself to slow down. I wasn’t listening to my body at all.

What tip would you give to beginner coaches?

Everything starts with following a solid education. One where you get all the tools to coach successfully, but also have the space to experiment and discover.

And then it’s a matter of daring to gain experience. It’s only by having real conversations and reflecting on them that you truly grow as a coach. Remember this: you’re not alone. There are many people around you with whom you can practice or discuss a case. That is also very educational and interesting. I truly believe in learning by doing.

Additionally, it pays to further explore yourself. The better you know yourself, the better you can coach others. If you know your pitfalls and strengths, then you know what to watch out for and how you can further develop yourself.

Finally, dare to trust. “Trust the process” has stuck with me very much. Trust in it, and the rest will follow.

What would you do differently if you could start over as a coach today?

I genuinely believe that things happen as they should. So, I wouldn’t do anything differently.

I am very satisfied with how I started as a coach. Even if it was sometimes with ups and downs. But if I’m honest, I occasionally need to fall to learn from it. Additionally, I met the right people at the right moments.

I see it all as part of my path and my development as a coach to where I am now.

Which coaching book do you recommend?

“Break the Cycle!” – Arend Ardon

The book is about the vicious circle of thoughts and their impact on others. Thoughts are powerful! They shape our perceptions, decisions, and actions—and therefore our results. You become a self-fulfilling prophecy! To break out of this vicious circle, you need awareness. And that’s exactly what this book provides.

I find it a very good book on many levels. First and foremost, it has very informative content. It can be a real revelation for many people, both privately and professionally. Plus, it reads very smoothly.

What do you find an inspiring quote?

“life isn’t about waiting for a storm to pass, it’s about dancing in the rain.”

I strongly believe in the power of a positive mindset. Of course, life isn’t easy and is often full of ups and downs. But you fully choose how you deal with it. You can take on a victim role and only acknowledge the negative things.

Or you look at how to make the best out of life. That’s a conscious way of living for me. And something I want to convey and embody. Both at work and in my personal life, for my children.

Sometimes it’s tough. You might be going through a difficult period. But after the storm and rain, sunshine always returns. And now and then with new lessons learned.

What values and aspirations do you carry into 2024?

In 2024, I want to stay close to myself. By that, I mean daring to follow my own intuition. Doing things that give me energy. For instance, I’m really looking forward to networking with other coaches within the Shift & Grow community!

Additionally, I want to apply even more what I preach myself. Namely: slowing down. Living even healthier and more consciously, and taking care of myself. In all aspects.

Finally, I will continue to contribute creatively within Coaching The Shift, to lead individuals, teams, and organisations towards a healthier shift!

Coach in the spotlight: Eva Declercq

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